Tim and Bronwyn's home page Home to Phthrrt back Up

Moray's Collection

The C++ story
Software vs. Drugs
The UNIX consultant
The Y2K Programmer
The Seattle joke
Computer Jargon
A Programmer's Christmas
Religious Programming Languages
Reinstalling Windows
My Spelling Chequer
Virus Alert!
Trojan Horse
The Shepherd and the Consultant
Biblical Viruses

The Lamp
Quotes from Resumés
The Beethoven Joke
The breakdown
Some Proverbs
Knock Knock
How to drive other people insane
The Engineer and the Manager
The Prodigal son
(in the key of F)

The Crash Haiku
Miscellaneous Thoughts
More Miscellaneous Thoughts
I love my job!
A prayer for the stressed

Scintillate, scintillate, globule vivific,
Fain how I pause at your nature specific,
Loftily poised in the ether capacious,
Highly resembling a gem carbonaceous.
Scintillate, scintillate, globule vivific,
Fain how I pause at your nature specific.

Tim and Bronwyn's home page Home to Phthrrt back Up