Our final fling. Four days in Rotorua. Did the gondola and luge as usual, but this time a tourist gave us a couple of leftover rides, so Brenda went instead. She'd been really nervous, and worried that she wouldn't be able to steer the thing. So I went down with her. I think it's the fastest I've ever done it. My arms were still vibrating afterwards. Rachael, meanwhile, did the advanced track twice, and managed to fly off onto the grass round a tight couple of corners. Had great fun spotting dropped helmets, jandals and numerous luge tickets on the chairlift.

Did Kuirau park, Wai o Tapu and Waikite. I'd never been up the path to see the spring at Waikite before. Rather impressive. Sixty litres a second frothing up in the centre at 99C. Steam everywhere. Apparently it's the biggest boiling water spring in New Zealand. And probably quite a few other places too. Decided not to go for a swim.

Had some fun on the paddle boat. I wandered up to the front, and discovered that Rachael was steering the ship! Should have realised by the wobbles in the wake...

So now Brenda is in Singapore, and was planning a few more activities in her three days there before coming back home. It's sad to see her go, but it's been really good to show her a large chunk of New Zealand and life on the farm. We now also have a nice tidy garden, and my wardrobe is significantly neater now that we've got rid of all the old clothes.

Brass band concert tomorrow. Haven't had any time to think about it, let alone rehearse! I've also been out to a meeting at the Head Office of Western Gas Ltd, which turned out to be a little converted house down a back street and up a driveway. They will be sponsoring the youth work this month along with three other charities at the local petrol station, and we have to get everyone to vote for us. Meanwhile, Rachael has been up late finishing homework after being away. And Bronwyn has a meeting planned tomorrow...

The first meeting of the North West Auckland Aspergers support group. She's had her face in the paper and put adverts in local school newsletters. We've had quite a few replies. I hope it all goes smoothly; I'll be out at the the concert!

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